

1. People with Achromatopsia lack functioning;
2. The prevalence for Achromatopsia is;
3. Another name for Achromatopsia is;
4. What are rods and cones?
5. What is the estimated number of rods in the retina?
6. Where are most cones congregated?
7. What are the three types of vision that enable vision in different lighting conditions?
8. Cones enable us to see;
9. What is the peak sensitivity of rods?
10. The colors we see are;
11. Which scientist studied the temperature of color?
12. As lighting shifts from dark to light or vice versa, our eyes enter into mesopic vision, this is called;
13. What is one of the first signs of Achromatopsia that parents may notice in their infant child?
14. What are the primary adverse symptoms of Achromatopsia?
15. The visual acuity in children with Achromatopsia is generally measureable at;
16. What lens filter color works best for complete Achromatopsia?
17. Red tinted lenses help achromatic patients by;
18. Which lens material provides the darkest tint for outdoor use, ensuring the best protection for people with Achromatopsia?
19. Which type of frames should be selected to help block light from entering into the eye?
20. What color tint is best used for incomplete Achromatopsia?
Evaluation Questions
21. In questions 21-23 please rate the effectiveness of how well each course met the stated learning objectives: Met the stated learning objectives?
22. Avoided commercial bias/influence?
23. How would you rate the overall quality of the material presented?
24. How were you directed to this course?
25. Please describe the office in which you work.