
Breakthrough Science Improves Freeform Progressive Lens Design and Optimization

1. According to Wollaston and Ostwalt, every lens power has an:
2. Ostwalt ideal base curves are _______ than Wollaston's
3. Freeform progressives made with a spherical front curve can match the optically correct base curve for:
4. The design methodology that provides superior image stability in a progressive lens is:
5. The ideal base curve for the distance progressive lens zone is ______ than for the near zone:
6. The effect on peripheral visual acuity when we deviate from the ideal base curve range is:
7. Steady Plus Methodology produces more comfortable and precise vision correction in the near zone because the wearer experiences:
8. From the top of the Camber lens blank to the bottom, the base curve increases up to ____ diopters.
9. Freeform progressive lenses made from a spherical lens blank:
10. IOT Digital Ray–Path 2 technology calculates the optimal lens surface for all gaze directions and object distance ranges in the:
11. In the near zone __________can improve acuity and enhance the reading experience in a progressive lens.
12. Freeform spherical lens blanks produce a flatter lens in the PAL near zone, which forms a more ______angle to the visual axis.
13. In a spherical front blank, freeform progressive digital _________is required to correct for the off-axis oblique angle in the near zone caused by flatter lenses in this zone.
14. When the position of the near area is calculated for each user according to the patient's individual parameters, allowing the wearer expanded binocular near vision, it is called:
15. Steady Plus Methodology Plus Methodology provides greater image stability, which reduces the sensation of the ____ effect:
16. In progressive lens design, unwanted spherical mean power results in:
17. It is not possible to develop a progressive lens with zero peripheral distortion due to geometrical limitations, as explained by the _______ Theorem.
18. Until Steady Plus Methodology, an optical designer attempted to control oblique astigmatism. However, those designs did not account for lateral defocus resulting from:
19. The benefit of Steady Plus Methodology Plus Methodology technology is a 14% wider distance visual field and greater:
20. Which of the following is NOT one of the Camber technologies for enhanced freeform PAL lens performance?
Evaluation Questions
21. In questions 21-23 please rate the effectiveness of how well each course met the stated learning objectives: Met the stated learning objectives?
22. Avoided commercial bias/influence?
23. How would you rate the overall quality of the material presented?
24. How were you directed to this course?
25. Please describe the office in which you work.