
Blue Light Lenses with More Protection and Less Reflection

1. What is the acronym for blue wavelengths associated with photo-induced eye health risks?
2. Blue light intraocular ________ contributes to eye strain.
3. Longitudinal chromatic aberration causes blue light to focus:
4. What is the new aesthetic challenge posed by blue filter lenses in our online life?
5. Longitudinal and lateral chromatic aberrations occur because of color _______ due to shorter wavelengths having higher refraction angle, giving diverse colors different focal points.
6. ZEISS BlueGuard is _________ blue light blocking solution.
7. DBRLED calculates the intensity of blue light reflected by the lens front surface seen by the human eye when the light source emits the spectrum commonly emitted by digital screens. ______ developed the DBRLED metric, as there is no industry or scientific standard to measure this effect.
8. In effect, intraocular scatter causes "________ ________" resulting in perceived dazzle, reduced contrast, and digital eye strain.
9. What optical principle is used in the ZEISS BlueGuard in- material blue filter approach:
10. Based on digital blue reflectance (DBRLED), ZEISS BlueGuard Lenses exhibit up to ___% less digital blue light reflection compared to ZEISS DuraVision BlueProtect.
11. In addition to full UV protection up to 400 nm, ZEISS BlueGuard blocks up to ___% of potentially harmful HEV blue light.
12. The shorter the wavelength, the higher the refraction angle, giving diverse colors different focal points. For example, the difference between blue and red light can be up to ___ diopters.
13. The result of longitudinal or lateral chromatic aberration induced in a lens by light dispersing into its component colors.
14. In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic sparked a rise in daily screen time expected to stay high after the pandemic. How many hours of screen time was reported on average?
15. ZEISS introduced this simple metric because there is no industry standard to quantify blue light blocking from screens in spectacle lenses.
16. Since no industry or scientific standard existed for this effect, ZEISS developed the DBRLED metric that measures this based on a common digital light source:
17. ZEISS BlueGuard uses the latest technology based on these chemicals to support UV and blue light absorption, delivering excellent color fidelity and spectral coverage.
18. Blue Light Hazard (BLH) is appropriate to weigh the potential risks to retinal tissue associated with bright light sources, such as the sun or arc welders. But, BLH does not govern common artificial light sources, such as LEDs or digital devices, according to the:
19. According to the CIE International Commission on Illumination, BLH does not govern common artificial light sources, such as LEDs or digital devices. As a result, BLH is not particularly relevant to blue light lenses. So what does the acronym BLH stand for?
20. The latest ISO blue light report (ISO/ TR20772:2018) notes that blue light up to ___nm delivers the most significant phototoxic risk to the retinal pigment epithelium. The report suggests minimizing blue light up to ___nm and maximizing longer wavelengths to avoid interfering with the circadian rhythm and other functions.
Evaluation Questions
21. In questions 21-23 please rate the effectiveness of how well each course met the stated learning objectives: Met the stated learning objectives?
22. Avoided commercial bias/influence?
23. How would you rate the overall quality of the material presented?
24. How were you directed to this course?
25. Please describe the office in which you work.