NEW YORK—Silhouette has introduced its 2011 Sun collections. The 11 new models features hand-crafted designs, as well as Silhouette’s exclusive intelligent lens technology, designed to protect and relax eyes while providing optimal color and contrast perception.

Brand imagery featuring new styles in the SUN Titan Minimal
Art collection by Silhouette.

The 2011 collection includes innovative styles, for women and men, in a variety of lens shades including, grey polarized, brown polarized, earth, green and apricot. New styles have been added to the Dreamwings, Mystero, Titan Minimal Art, SUN Titan Design and SUN Softtouch collections.

Silhouette’s exclusive IQPOL polarizing lenses, which help eliminate reflections that can cause misperception and eye strain, are available on seven of the new models. The lenses offer 100 percent UV protection and absorb 87 percent of blue light, as well as front and backside water repellent and 5x anti-reflection coating.

Dispenser Price Guide: $$$$$