Optical laboratories looking to strengthen their staff’s SATISLOH machine knowledge can now take advantage of hands-on, machine specific Satisloh Academy courses. Led by factory certified Satisloh instructors, lab professionals will learn everything about specific equipment from mechanical construction, adjustment and alignment, components, operating devices, software operation and updates, to processing and troubleshooting.

Information will be presented on blockers, generators, polishers, engravers, hard coaters, AR coaters and AR processors. Additional courses are available on demand and cover topics such as ES-4, Duo-FLEX, layoutblocker-PRA, LensMark, Satisloh´s box coater troubleshooting, AR process Management and magna-Spin.

Labs with a Satisloh Total Equipment Protection (STEP) maintenance program qualify for a 20 percent discount. Proper maintenance guarantees that your Satisloh equipment will perform at the highest quality level. STEP provides comprehensive maintenance to stabilize and secure the performance of Satisloh lab equipment, to ensure continuous uninterrupted operation and consistent quality production.

All training sessions are held in Germantown, Wis. Fees include lunches and e-tablet documentation. Courses run from May until December. To register, visit satisloh.com/service-support/technical-trainings.

–Sarah McGoldrick