Hey… James…

You should write a column about your bandana collection.

Thank you, Blake Kuwahara. I’ll consider it and… congrats on your October 20/20 Luxury Eyewear cover. You truly are a master with this cherished Ultimate Accessory.

You should write a column on your main impressions of last month’s Vision Expo West.

This Expo was special. My first time on a business travel trip since January of 2019. And it is always worth noting the main impact of inspiration comes from the encounters on so many different levels with the people populating this opti-universe. My total highlight was by far Vision Monday’s Most Influential Women in Optical luncheon event hosted by Marge Axelrad with the ever so creative assist of Nancy Ness. So honored being at a table with current and past honorees, 20/20 editors Christine Yeh, Deborah Kotob and Linda Conlin, as well as 20/20 contributor Marisol Rodriguez.

You should write a column on who keeps you inspired as you currently work from that home office in your basement.

To be honest, the numerous phone chats with executive editor Christine Yeh keep me alert and engaged with the daily deadline details of pulling together a magazine in all facets of its print and digital footprint, with wallops of creative input from fashion editor Victoria Garcia, feature editor Jillian Urcelay and digital art director Julie Zidel. Of note might I add Julie deserves accolades for her massive task toward the creation of 20/20’s Online Optical eblast pulling together the unique arenas of engagement afforded readers when it comes to events attendable via remote opportunities. Supplement that edit teamwork with a near daily call to Europa/State/AO/Bestest-Friend creative director Nico Roseillier, and the energizing scenario is nearly complete.

But without a doubt, my biggest kudo each month goes to the phone call from opti-legend Ray Winston that comes after his deep read of each new issue of this magazine. Here’s the skinny on Ray. He had a huge hand in the creation and curating of the eyewear that Elton John wore throughout most of his heyday. Ray is a genius with specs and their appeal throughout the history of eyewear. So when he calls to graciously assess this magazine, I’m left with a total sense of motivation. Please note I intend to work on a fuller feature about Ray Winston soon. It was an honor meeting him at the recent Expo where he was repping at the OWP booth. Thank You Ray!

You should write a column about the dinner in Vegas that likely chalked up a bill nearly equal to the cost of your long gone 1971 MGB GT.

You’ll need to ask Europa’s Scott Shapiro about that. All I can say is… GREAT SCOTT.

James J. Spina
[email protected]