Product: Toric IOL Calculator
Top Line: The new Alcon Online Toric IOL Calculator helps surgeons select the appropriate toric IOL model and power. The calculator includes an optimized user interface and integrates the Barrett Toric Algorithm, which has demonstrated superior preoperative refractive predictability versus other formulas and nomograms, according to Alcon. The algorithm theoretically accounts for posterior corneal astigmatism, calculates patient-specific effective lens position and is designed to improve preoperative refractive predictability by using a centroid value for surgically induced astigmatism.
Close Up: More than 50 percent of patients who undergo cataract surgery have corneal astigmatism ≥ 0.75 D, which is within the range of surgically treatable astigmatism and may significantly limit an optimal visual outcome if left uncorrected. Over two thirds of these patients have a level of astigmatism between 0.75 and 1.50 D making them the most common astigmatic patient type who are often under-served with Toric IOLs. Providing surgeons with the predictive accuracy and increased confidence necessary to meet the surgical expectations of astigmatic patients, including those identified as low-cylinder, is a key focus of the Alcon Online Toric IOL Calculator. In addition to the integration of the Barrett Toric Algorithm, the user interface has been designed to simplify planning and updated to be more intuitive including calculations for the full line of AcrySof IQ Toric IOL models in the selected family, full display of AcrySof IQ Toric IOL models for customized planning, optimized design that is available in multiple languages and easy-to-read printouts.
Vital Stats: The new calculator is free and available online. It is currently available in 33 languages.; (800) 862-5266