Occhiali. Lunettes. Brille. Spectacles. All right and yet all oddly refer to different aspects of sight, vision and… vision correction. Who knows which comes closest? And… who really cares since 20/20 respects and uses every one of these global descriptions when addressing the object and art of our (and Our) eyewear. We think this court jester depicted in an etching from the 16th century knows the real deal.
—James J. Spina

We broke one of our own rules here: Never photograph anyone laying down in their eyewear. Why? The face usually sags slightly in such repose. That didn’t happen here even though our model in this Cinzia frame was laying down on a pool table. Our theory? A true instance of frames from the Our Eyewear segment giving a total lift to the whole opti-scenario.   —JJS