The percentage of female contact lens wearers who have worn contact lenses for over two years, compared to 63 percent of male contact lens wearers.

Of those who have had vision correction surgery, 12 percent said ‘financing terms’ prompted them to have vision correction surgery.

Of those not using any form of vision correction, 19 percent ages 18-34 admit they need some form of vision correction.

The percentage of those who use bifocal/multifocal lenses and earn an annual household income over 60K.

Source: VisionWatch; a study conducted by Jobson/The Vision Council
Total Annual VisionWatch Sample Size: 100,000 consumer respondents per year (ages 18+)
Data is for the 12ME (months ending) September 2008. Contact Lens data is for the 3ME September 2008.
Refractive Surgery data is for 6ME September 2008.