Every generation seems to believe it is THEIR age that truly embraces and defines the iconic look of eyewear and/or sunwear. GenEYE has done its fair share of bragging on this front and with good reason. The online phenom is to their credit (or… perhaps… discredit!), and the fuel of seeing and then selling eyewear and sunwear direct from the red carpet falls under their distinct domain. But for me it all started innocently enough with the cover of this album of two groups devoted to early Doo Wop songs. Those are NOT the band members on the cover. The center specs are definitely sunglasses but the others could go either way. In any case, in my pre-teen world those jackets and those specs left a lasting impression. The hats? Not so much.

— James J. Spina

That leather thing with ultra cool shades NEVER gets old as seen here two years ago when Avalon delivered a new take on white with striping from Romeo Gigli. —JJS
