Renewal of the air we breathe benefits from every tree that exists and for those that are planted. So consider a "do good" project like an office program that supports tree planting. Here's what MODO Company does as part of their ECO Eyewear brand. In addition to the fact that the eyewear is made from 95 percent recycled materials, they plant a tree for every frame sold.

"Trees for the Future trained us on how to
increase the quantity and quality of our crops.
Now feeding my family is not a problem and I have enough food to feed my entire family with enough left over to sell for profit to use for items such as medical expenses and additional farm labor," From local Cameroon farmer.

To date, 680,000 trees have been planted in Cameroon on behalf of MODO. In a partnership with Trees for the Future, ECO established the one frame one tree program and plants a tree for every frame sold. Trees for the Future, a leading nonprofit "...integrates tree planting into agriculture and land restoration projects. Trees bring life back to degraded lands, create better conditions to grow food and provide people with a means to generate income, and mitigate climate change through sequestering carbon dioxide."

Mr. Moshimbo Joseph Nde of Mankon, Head of Trees for the Future Programs describes the results of the MODO program for one farmer in Cameroon. He says that training local farmers to use agroforestry techniques by Trees for the Future increases the quality and quantity of crops. That allows the local faring population to support themselves as well as provide additional food for the local markets.

Doing good is also more than ensuring sustainability; it's the ability to extend your reach into the world's communities around you. The consumer is looking to support companies that also improve their environment.