Photo © Sipa Press Olycom

There was the Testa Rossa Ferrari (in the wrong color). The wrinkled pastel suit jackets (with sleeves awkwardly rolled up). The face scruff. Phil Collins always feeling something brewing in the air. And then the poor “partner” forever remembered as… the other guy. But… Don Johnson in his Carrera sunglasses on “Miami Vice” defined the mid-’80s better than any other face on earth. For THAT decade THOSE shades wrote the book on spec style. The style likely revitalized the art of men’s sunglasses AND South Beach in Miami all in one giant wallop. My dear father-in-law gifted me his, calling them his “Porsche sports car driving glasses.” I still have those Carreras exactly like the style here. And, like Sonny Crockett, Eye love them.

— James J. Spina

I’ve long been a Niki Lauda motorsport fan. He is certainly one of the greatest racing champions EVER in Formula One. And always impressed every time I come across this ad while doing research for the monthly Parting Glance page. Here’s a great chance to get a “rush” so to speak by coordinating the whole Carrera impact from TV right though to 20/20 back in the day. —JJS