Back in high school, I took a class in auto mechanics. Although I learned how to do a tune-up and even managed to do a break job once, I barely remember any of it now.

One thing that did stay with me, though, was a short animated film called, “Use the Right Tool for the Right Job.” That phrase conveys a fundamental concept that is applicable in any situation that requires a mechanical solution, from fixing cars to adjusting eyeglasses. It comes to mind now because I’m thinking about some of the cool tools I’ve come across this past year. We’ve covered most of them in our L&T New Products section, but in case you missed them, here’s a brief recap of the most interesting and useful tools for the dispensary and lab.

The Bionic Thumb from OptiSource International. Billed as “The World’s Best Frame Bending Tool,” the Bionic Thumb is designed for bending temples, eyewires and endpieces. The large radius over your thumb or index finger allows for heavy duty bending power and control. The smaller radius is designed for tighter bends on thinner, more flexible frames.

The Temple Tamer (#2084) by Western Optical Supply makes it easy to adjust an earpiece. It takes the heat so you won’t burn your fingers. The Temple Tamer also makes it easy to straighten an earpiece, replace the temple tip and curve it back into position.

The B&S Rook Anvil from Hilco protects a workbench or table against scratches. It features a solid aluminum construction for a stable, robust feel, with a cushioned base and top that prevents slipping or marring frames. There is a well area to hold frame parts and can be affixed with a single screw.

Finally, the Gem Cut Turning Tool, designed for surfacing labs by Jeanie Premium Products provides precise cuts, extends tool life and offers the same benefits as natural diamond but with more consistency in the quality and number of cuts for the end user. Gem Cut makes a good transitional tool for those using natural diamonds because it’s clear, precise and offers the needed rake and angle requirements needed for the end users.

These well-designed products could be the right tools for your job.

Andrew Karp
Group Editor, Lenses and Technology
[email protected]
