There is a wide range of information on the “Achieve Vision Program” Web site. You can get an in-depth look at the devices that the athletes use in the program, such as the “Sports Vision Trainer,” the “M&S Professional Sports Vision Testing System,” and the “Bassin Anticipation Timer.”

If you select the “Athlete Experience” tab, you can view a couple of short videos of the athletes talking about the “Achieve Vision Program” and the importance of healthy vision on their performance.

Under the tab, “Eye Care Information,” you can find out if it’s time you visit your eye doctor after reading “8 Signs You Might Need an Eye Exam.” If you would like to train your eyes for sports or every day activities, the section “Training Your Eyes at Home or on the Road” gives examples of exercises to do so. The different exercises focus on pursuit and saccadic movement, eye movement accuracy, and peripheral awareness.

The site provides a list of questions that patients can ask their eye doctors to improve their athletic performance, and another list of question that eyecare professionals can ask their athletic patients to determine if they are performing to the best of their ability.