WASHINGTON, D.C.--To educate consumers on the importance of anti-reflective (AR) lenses, the Vision Council of America's (VCA) AR Committee created an in-flight commercial that was used on US Airways flights. The 90-second commercial ran on all of the airline's domestic flights during the month of July, and reached an estimated three million consumers.

A scene from a new television commercial from the Vision Council of America's AR Committee shows a dispenser, played by real-lifedispenser and AR Committee liaison Grady Culbreth, explaining the features and benefits of AR lenses to a patient.

The commercial promotes the benefits of AR lenses and encourages viewers to consult with their eyecare professional to learn more about this type of lens treatment. Seventy-one percent of US Airways passengers watched the in-flight commercials, making this outlet an effective way to reach consumers, according to VCA.

"This is something the AR committee has always wanted to do and we are very excited about using this new medium as a way to educate consumers on AR lenses," said John Quinn, AR Committee chair. "The typical US Airways passenger is 25- to 54-years old which is the perfect target audience because they are the consumers who would need or benefit the most from using AR lenses."